Preference Centers

Email Marketing Service
Preference Centers Enhance Delivery Performance

Preference Centers makes targeted marketing quick and easy. By offering your recipients additional choices, you can better meet their needs.

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How Preference Centers Work
Tag Based Preference Centers

Preference Centers rely on Tags and the background making them easy to adjust for any need. Preference Centers use Tags process keep everything in one place.

Tags in ReachMail
Simple Preference Centers are quick and easy to setup

ReachMail's Preference Centers are flexible and quick to set up. Create the Tags you want to add to your Preference Center and link them up in a few clicks. Preference Centers are linked to one or more Lists in your account and can be unlinked at any time, letting you adjust your filtering strategy as needs change.

Preference Centers
Set it and forget it

Preference Centers run in the background on your Campaigns. Set it up once and let ReachMail handle recipient interactions automatically.

Incorporate Delivery Filtering with Preference Centers

ReachMail make it easy to select Preference Center Tags (selections) when scheduling. Simply select the Tag you want to target when scheduling a Campaign. With a click or two, you can implement all the segmented delivery strategies you need to stay in the inbox!

Explore other features...

Email Creation

Professional, eye-catching emails in just a few minutes.

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Sign Up Forms

Grow your audience and increase sales.

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List Segmentation

Target recipients with List Segments for best results.

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Get your automation under way
Start now to see how easy it is to set up auto responders in ReachMail.
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Marketing Automation

Automate welcome emails, sign-up confirmations, drip campaigns and customer journeys.

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Detailed Reporting

Reporting on opens, clicks, bounces, engagement and more.

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Support Hours: 8am - 6pm (Central Time) Mon-Fri