Zapier Integration

Connect ReachMail with 3000+ apps using Zapier

Zapier lets you connect your apps and automate workflows. You can automate data entry tasks to speed up productivity, build a product launch pipeline, or keep your CRM up to date with the latest metrics from ongoing email deliveries. With 3000+ apps and growing, Zapier helps you connect ReachMail with all your apps. No coding necessary.

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Connect 3000+ apps without writing a single line of code.

ReachMail's Zapier integration handles all the API Authentication, service endpoint URLs, and data parsing for you so you focus on the important things like making sure new leads and customers are welcomed and thanked immediately. Zapier lets you connect your different apps using menus and a friendly interface. All without ever having to write a single line of code.

How it Works

Zapier works using:

  • Triggers - These start off a workflow. Like when a customer opens an email, ReachMail sends a Trigger.
  • Actions - React to a Trigger. Like updating your CRM with the Open Trigger information.
  • Searches - let you do things like find one of the Mailings you already saved, or search for the right ReachMail List.
In a simple example:
  1. Recipient Opens an email prompting a Trigger.
  2. An Action is run to update a Salesforce CRM.
ReachMail has its own Actions, Triggers, and Searches.

Getting Started is easy and free.

All ReachMail accounts have access to the API and that includes our Zapier integration. Getting your ReachMail Account Started in Zapier is quick and easy. Search for other apps to see what else you can do in Zapier, or start with one of our Zap Templates.

Increase Productivity with Google Sheets and WordPress

Try connecting Google Sheets with ReachMail. Every time you add info to the Google Sheet, Zapier automatically sends it to a List in ReachMail. No more manual Data entry! Automate a workflow so that every time you add a WordPress Blog post, Zapier creates a Mailing in ReachMail.

Try linking Google Sheets and ReachMail in Zapier
Trigger a Transactional Email from a New Shopify Record

ReachMail's SMTP Relay is great for sending one-off transactional emails. React immediately with a thank you email when a new Shopify customer is added, or build a new ReachMail Mailing automatically when you add a Shopify product.

Extend a Salesforce, Marketo, or Hubspot network with ReachMail's Email Hygiene Services.

Networks like Salesforce have their own sending methods but can sometimes leave customers in the lurch when it comes to Email Data Hygiene. A List Cleaning Account can connect with Zapier as a way to vet new Leads. Check out this Salesforce + ReachMail Zap Template.

See ReachMail's 'Verify an Email Address' Zap
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Email Creation

Professional, eye-catching emails in just a few minutes.

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Full Fledged API

Automation and Integration at your fingertips

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ReachMail and Zapier make it simple to integrate popular marketing apps together. Sign up today and get started.
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Marketing Automation

Automate welcome emails, sign-up confirmations, drip campaigns and customer journeys.

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Email Marketing Service

Detailed Reporting

Reporting on opens, clicks, bounces, engagement and more.

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Support Hours: 8am - 6pm (Central Time) Mon-Fri