Tools :: Landing Pages

Landing pages allow you to create single page websites. There is a wide variety of ways to use this feature, you can create focused content to encourage someone to sign up to receive your emails or use it to provide additional information on a specific promotion or offer. Those are only a couple of examples but with landing pages we give you the control you need to make stunning single page websites that allow you to get your message across. Please keep in mind that this tool is still in development and any feedback you can provide is critical in us making improvements to this tool.

To access Landing Pages simply navigate to your Tools tab and select the option Landing Pages. From here you can click on the panel or select the new or edit options.


For this example we are going to click on the panel itself. On the next page we are able to Add Landing Page by clicking on the button in the upper left hand corner. This will bring you to the editor for the Landing Pages. The first tab you will land on is called the Summary tab. On this tab you'll be able to assign a name to your landing page and a friendly URL.


The second tab is called Content, this is where you can create, copy and pate, or edit your content. When you first navigate to this tab you'll get to see the Template Style Selector. This is going to be the easiest way to start from a completely built landing page if you have limited knowledge of HTML or do not have your own code to supply. This gives you a style sheet to work with and provide a great jumping off point to create a stylish landing page with little effort.


From this example we are going to select the first option, Welcome to Scrolling Nav. Once you've selected a style you'll be able to add snippets of code to add new layouts and components. This can be accessed by clicking the right carrot icon and expanding the snippets selection. With the snippets section opened we are going to click on components and drag and drop a form into our content.


As soon as you let go of the subscription form you'll be asked to select what form you would like it to use. If you have not setup a subscription form yet we recommend referencing this help article for more information. With some modifications and some additional editing we are able to get a final result as a landing page.




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