Special Header Processing

Special Header Processing


The x-rm-campaign header is a special feature of Easy-SMTP that allows message recipients to be tagged with a CampaignName in delivery reporting results. For example, if you're using Easy-SMTP to send a welcome message to new users of your forum, you can set 'x-rm-campaign: Forum Users' in your message and recipients will be added to the 'Forum Users' list in your account.

To use x-rm-campaign, just set x-rm-campaign: [CAMPAIGN NAME] in the headers of your message.

(Previous versions used x-campaign. Please use x-rm-campaign instead)


Date: 24 July 2011 08:00:00
x-rm-campaign: Forum Users
Subject: Welcome to the Acme Company forum!


The x-rm-profile header is an advanced feature for senders leasing dedicated IPs with ReachMail, or those need differentiated traffic routing, for example, marketing and transactional email streams.

(Previous versions use the x-profile header. Please use x-rm-profile instead)


Date: 24 July 2011 08:00:00
x-rm-profile: promotions
Subject: Welcome to the Acme Company forum!


The X-Tracking header is used to enable link tracking in a message. Link tracking is not enabled for messages by default, the X-Tracking header must be sent with a value of '1' for tracking to be turned on for a message.


Date: 24 July 2011 08:00:00
X-Tracking: 1
Subject: Welcome to the Acme Company forum!



Separating message channels

If you're sending both transactional and marketing messages - whether your marketing messages are sent from Reachmail's UI or not - it's a good idea to distinguish between message types as much as possible. AOL, Gmail, and Yahoo all recommend separating marketing and transactional channels. The simplest way to do so is by making use of Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM).

DKIM uses public/private key pairs to authenticate and identify messages. Using one signature for transactional and one for marketing messages helps mail providers differentiate and identify your messages.

To set up the signing of your messages contact support@reachmail.com and request DKIM keys for your sending domain. You will receive a 'transactional' and a 'marketing' key. The keys should be installed in the DNS of your sending domains on a sub-domain for the appropriate channel. In the example below, the sub-domains 'transact' and 'messages' are used to identify the channels.

_domainkey.messages.domain.tld IN TXT "t=y; o=~;"
k1._domainkey.messages.domain.tld IN TXT "k=rsa; p=<marketing key>;"

_domainkey.transact.domain.tld IN TXT "t=y; o=~;"
k1._domainkey.transact.domain.tld IN TXT "k=rsa; p=<transactional key>;"

Note: The sub-domains should also be capable of routing incoming messages. If that's not possible for some reason, make sure to specify a valid Reply-To address.

Text vs. HTML messages

By default, Easy-SMTP will treat all incoming messages as plain text unless HTML is specified in the Content-Type header. If you are sending HTML messages but are seeing the HTML code in the message body when viewing the message in a mail user agent, your sending mechanism is likely omitting the Content-Type header.

Subject: New forum posting
Content-Type: text/html



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ReachMail is here to help. If you have any questions, please use the form below or contact us at:

Support Hours: 8am - 6pm (Central Time) Mon-Fri