Lists :: List Tools - Manage Opt Outs

The Manage Opt-Outs Tool provides a seamless way to oversee unsubscribed recipients across your mailing lists, helping you maintain compliance and improve email deliverability. This tool consists of two key functions: email lookup and opt-out consolidation.

Email Lookup and Re-Enabling Recipients

The Lookup Email feature allows you to quickly search for a specific email address to determine which lists it belongs to and whether it has been opted out. If an email address is currently unsubscribed, you can restore its ability to receive messages by selecting the Re-Enable All button. This ensures that opted-out recipients can be re-engaged when necessary while keeping your lists accurate.

Consolidating Opt-Outs to the Global List

The second function of this tool enables you to transfer some or all list-specific opt-outs to your Global Opt-Outs List. This ensures that any contacts added to this list will be suppressed from all future email campaigns, preventing accidental re-engagement. Consolidating opt-outs at the global level is particularly useful for maintaining compliance and ensuring that unsubscribed recipients no longer receive emails, regardless of their original list affiliation. To complete the transfer of opt-out records, click the Process button.

This feature is only beneficial for users who have list-level opt-outs enabled, as ReachMail automatically manages the majority of opt-outs. If your account primarily relies on global opt-outs, this tool may not be necessary for routine use.


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