The PHP wrapper does not need to be installed in specific manner. It only needs to be downloaded to a location of your choosing, and included in your PHP script.
Full ReachMail API documentation at:
Connecting with your PHP application is easy. Check out this sample code.
// Tokens to generate your access token
$rmapi = new RMAPI('YoUrSeCr3tTokenG03sH3rE');
// Retrieve account information array
$account_info = $rmapi->rm_administrationUsersCurrent();
// Parse array and access the account id stdClass object value.
// Returns just the the account GUID as a string
$AccountId = $account_info['service_response']->AccountId;
// Due to PHP's lack of dictionary objects, each recipient must be placed in
// their own single record array
$request = array (
"FromAddress" => "sender@domain.tld",
"Recipients" => array(
array("Address" => "email@domain.tld"),
array("Address" => "email2@domain.tld")
"Subject" => "Test Subject",
// Use the optional `Headers` parameter to set the message headers
// Note that here, the `From` header is used to create a more friendly
// sender alias.
"Headers" => array(
"From" => "FromName <sender@domain.tld>",
"X-Company" => "ReachMail"
// Plain text MIME part
"BodyText" => "This is the TEXT version of the Easy-SMTP API test",
// HTML MIME part. Be sure to correctly escape quotes and meta-characters
"BodyHtml" => "This is the HTML version of the
API test",
// Enable optional link tracking with a boolean value
"Tracking" => true
// Send the message and store the response in a variable for easy access.
$es_campaign=$rmapi->rm_easySmtpDelivery($AccountId, $request);