How to Install your Easy-SMTP .NET library

This .NET library is distributed via NuGet. Installation using the package manager console can be done by typing:

PM> Install-Package reachmail

using System;
using Reachmail.Easysmtp.Post.Request;

public void Main() 
    var client = Reachmail.Api.Create("");

    var request = new Reachmail.EasySmtp.Post.Message {
        FromAddress = "",
        Recipients = new Recipients { 
            new Recipient { 
                Address = ""
        Subject = "Subject",
        BodyText = "Text",
        BodyHtml = "html",
        Headers = new Headers { 
            { "name", "value" }
        Attachments = new Attachments { 
            new EmailAttachment { 
                Filename = "text.txt",
                Data = "b2ggaGFp", // Base64 encoded
                ContentType = "text/plain",
                ContentDisposition = "attachment",
                Cid = ""
        Tracking = true,
        FooterAddress = "",
        SignatureDomain = ""

    var accountId = client.Administration.Users.Current.Get();
    var result = client.EasySmtp.Post(request, accountId);

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