Grow Your List - Part III - Retaining existing recipients

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Getting Started

  1. Building a sign up form to entice sign ups
  2. Nurturing new sign ups to get them interested
  3. Retaining existing recipients and keeping them engaged

Retaining Existing Subscribers

Retaining existing clientele is a matter of effective targeting. That means engaging offers that use interactions to boost engagement and segmenting your recipients when you send.

Engaging Content

Enticing emails are concise and direct. Use high contrast items like images and buttons to naturally draw the eye’s attention to your primary CTA (Call To Action). ReachMail's Message Builder makes creating professional, mobile friendly content easy.


Segmenting Lists

Everyone’s situation is a bit different. Here’s some segmentations to consider:

  • Customers (purchased)
  • Prospects (not yet purchased)
  • Website signups
  • Trade show or networking contacts
  • Geographic location

Effective Segmentation

Effective segmentation means you can target different groups of recipients and tailor your messaging strategy to meet the needs of that group. Customers who have already purchased from you, for instance, are more likely to purchase again and thus don't need to be guided in that direct in the same way a new prospect might.

The key is treating recipients and individuals with their own set of preferences and needs. If you view your recipients as a means to an end, your message can come across as irrelevant and unnecessary. Maintaining a focused set of recipient groups can help you avoid this kind of confusion.

For example, say you're hosting an event in New York City and you don't target your offer to customers in that area. Someone in San Francisco might choose to unsubscribe from your list because you emailed them about an event on the other side of the country. Focused delivery will yield better delivery results and gain better traction with your audience.

Everyone Should Segment on Engagement

Recipient engagement is key to ongoing success. No one wants to waste their time sending to disinterested recipients. It's imperative that you remove non-responders from all of your lists regularly.

That doesn't mean that you throw those addresses away for good, but instead, prioritize what you send to whom, and when.

Below we cover how to extract non-responders from a list so they can be targeted for an upcoming re-engagement campaign using ReachMail's Engagement Scanner.

  1. Engagement - The time period for our engagement scan
  2. Overview - A quick way to see the overall engagement rate of our list. Relative to #2
  3. Action - What we want to do with the disengaged recipients. In this case
  4. Remove - remove from existing list or not. If checked, disengaged recipients are moved. If unchecked, recipients are copied to a new or existing list.


With the filter's above using ReachMail's Engagement Scanner, we're doing the following:

Engaged (opened or clicked) with the last 90 days (#2 above)
37% of the list is engaged (Overview - #1 above)
Action: move non-responders to a new list called "Quarterly Re-Engagement List"

Coming Soon

Stay tuned for our upcoming post on writing an effective re-engagement campaign.

We'll dig deeper into the following topics:

  • Segmenting on Engagement time frames
  • How to compose a re-engagement message that will drive interactions
  • Tracking recipients preferences in an email
  • How often should you send re-engagement campaigns and what to expect.

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