Google Service Outage Affects Delivery to - RESOLVED

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In Email Insights Blog

What Happened?

Google announced an unexpected service outage for several services , including between 12-14-2020 and 12-15-2020. According to Google:
Affected users received a bounce notification with the error "The email account that you tried to reach does not exist" after sending an email to addresses ending in

How did ReachMail Address the Problem?

By 9:30am CST, 12-16-2020, after confirming Google had resolved the problem on their end, ReachMail reactivated any hard bounce affected by the Google Service Outage in everyone's active sending Lists.

How Will This Affect My Campaign Scores?

Campaigns scores are automatically calculated and hard bounces are heavily weighted in the score. ReachMail offers these scores as a quick way to review delivery metrics. Scores may look unexpectedly low, given the Google issue.

What if my List was Locked?

If you see a Lock icon next to your list, or an alert when you visit the Lists tab, a List has been locked for abuse. If you believe your list was locked as a result of Google's service outage, please let know and we'll investigate the issue and mitigate where applicable.


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