Email Marketing Trends for 2020 - Part 2

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Last time we talked about boosting engagement from new sign ups. Today we’ll dig a bit deeper into multi-track and dynamic segmentation.

Let’s dive in.

Multi-Track Email Marketing

Top marketers are running multi-track delivery strategies. Often incorporated with Dynamic Segments and Domain Segmentation, multi-track marketing seeks to target different sets of recipients within your audience to enhance performance. After-all, the key to inbox placement is sending relevant content to the recipients that want it.

The most commonly used segments focus on engagement:

Onboarding - This track is used to send engaging offers to newly opted in recipients to establish a series of interactions.
Re-engagement - For recipients that are less interested as of late. Similar to the onboarding process but should be treated as a distinct group of their own.
Most Engaged - Opened or clicked in the last 3-5 emails.
Somewhat Engaged - Opened or clicked in the last 5-15 emails.
Least Engaged - Opened or clicked in the last 16-30 emails.

Last week's post covers the onboarding track in more detail. Similar strategies can be incorporated to target other tracks. For example, with a new sign up, you would want to send a few messages in the first week, a re-engagement track would space 2-3 deliveries over the course of 2-3 months. No sense in continuing to waste time, money, and effort on recipients that generate 0 ROI at a risk to inbox placement for interested recipients.

Dynamic Segmentation

Dynamic segments may sound like a fancy new buzzword but it’s something we’ve all seen before. The dynamic in Dynamic Segmentation refers to keeping track of recent engagement.

ReachMail’s standard List Segments already allow senders to use/build filters for open and click data. For example, a List Segment with the criteria: LastOpened more recent than 30 days ago is a Dynamic Segment since the open filter uses a dynamic time filter instead of a static date like. LastOpened more recent than January 1st, 2020.

On Deck at ReachMail

AutoResponders have been completely revamped as AutoMessages for enhanced report, performance and exciting new capabilities coming soon.

AutoMessages will be out soon for everyone but you can enable them on your ReachMail account now from the User Settings under the Account Features section.

How you can help

Let us know your use case. Everyone is bound to do things a little differently. Email us at support to tell how you would automate some of your email marketing tasks:

What’s a repeated task you would prefer to automate in ReachMail?
Is there a workflow or sequence of messages you want to segment automatically?
Do you want to help beta-test Automations?

We want to know what works for you so we can prioritize the most important enhancements for release first.


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